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Rebelión En La Granja / Animal Farm (Paperback)

Rebelión En La Granja / Animal Farm Cover Image
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A trav's de una f bula, Orwell expone de forma magistral los horrores de los reg menes totalitarios.

Uno de los alegatos m's potentes contra el totalitarismo de cualquier especie.

Cansados de sufrir abusos, los animales de la granja de los Jones deciden rebelarse contra sus amos. Tras echar al propietario, establecen un nuevo orden basado en la igualdad. Sin embargo, pronto surge entre ellos una nueva clase de bur cratas, los cerdos, que, con astucia, codicia y prepotencia se imponen sobre el resto de animales.

Concebida como una's tira mordaz del estalinismo, el car cter universal de su mensaje convierte esta novela en un extraordinario an lisis de la corrupci n que engendra el poder, una furibunda diatriba contra los totalitarismos y un l cido examen de las manipulaciones que sufre la verdad hist rica en los momentos de transformaci n pol tica.


Through a fable, Orwell masterfully exposes the horrors of totalitarian regimes.

One of the most powerful arguments against totalitarianism of any kind.

Tired of being abused, the animals on the Jones' farm decide to rebel against their masters. After the owner is kicked out, they establish a new order based on equality. However, a new class of bureaucrats soon emerges among them, the pigs, who, with cunning, greed and arrogance, impose themselves on the rest of the animals.

Conceived as a scathing satire of Stalinism, the universal nature of its message makes this novel an extraordinary analysis of the corruption that power engenders, a furious diatribe against totalitarianism, and a lucid examination of the manipulations that historical truth undergoes in moments of political transformation.

Product Details
ISBN: 9786070777240
ISBN-10: 6070777247
Publisher: Planeta Publishing
Publication Date: July 30th, 2024
Pages: 160
Language: Spanish